Mindforce Implants (discussion) |
Either the decay values have to get set back to PED, or the column has to be renamed, I guess...
It somehow makes sense though, all other charts with a decay column list it as PEC.
Sound (talk) - 21-11-2007 12:22:47Aren't all implants have the fixed, 1PEC decay?
Faalagorn (talk) - 01-05-2009 18:55:32 Nope, I tested the TT one and it had 0.895 PEC decay. I assume the other ones also have different decay.
Witte (talk) - 11-03-2025 06:59:56 So it seems we need more tests? But then, in weapons chart you should be able to chose the implant you are using. Now it's "Include NeoPsion decay (1PEC)".
Faalagorn (talk) - 11-03-2025 06:59:56 Since mindforce is not so popular, it did not seemed worth the efford so I made it just 1 PEC.
Witte (talk) - 11-03-2025 06:59:56 Ahh, so that's why sweat price is dropping, there are inaccurate informations in Entropedia

. j/k. However, it would be great to be added
someday. 1PEC is not far from accurate though, but if you want, you may add a note that it's approximate and link to the Implant chart instead.
Faalagorn (talk) - 11-03-2025 06:59:56