Mission: Iron Challenge: 5000 Armax
Specifications                  [Edit]
Planet:Planet Calypso
Mission Chain:Iron Challenge Armax
Objective:Kill 5000 Armax Cow/Armax Bull
Reward:Intelligence (50 Tokens) and Inflict Melee Damage (eq. 0.21 PED implant) or Intelligence (50 Tokens) and Inflict Ranged Damage (eq. 0.21 PED implant) or Inflict Melee Damage (eq. 8.54 PED implant) or Inflict Ranged Damage (eq. 8.54 PED implant)
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Nina Colombus Iron Challenge Mission Broker
Nearest City:Minopolis
Required Mission:Iron Challenge: 1000 Armax



 Iron Challenge: 5,000 Armax


CFA hosts a series of Iron Challenges. This stage of the Armax Iron Challenge is to Kill 5,000 Armax.



  • Kill 5,000 Armax
    • 0 of 5,000
  • Return to CFA Mission Broker in Minopolis


Mission Chain

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Iron Challenge Mission Broker, Minopolis

Nina Colombus:

At this stage, the goal is to kill 5,000 Armax.

It's time to make a stand! To aim our rifles at the Armax and show them that this is our land.


  • Yeah!
  • Do you really think it's right? All hunting and colonization, I mean?
  • Five friggin' thousand? Are you insane?



If you choose 'Do you really think it's right? All hunting and colonization, I mean?':

Nina Colombus:

Let me make this very clear: this is the survival of the fittest!

Some think that we evolved past that. Bollocks, I say! We are in the middle of a struggle for our survival. We have to conquer Calypso to stand a chance, or else the robots will wipe us from the galaxy.

Sure, there are those weak-hearted fools that see Calypso as some sort of paradise that we destroy with our presence. They think that before we came here, Calypso was a place of innocence and joy; the lamb living next to the lion in harmony; and when it rained, it rained sweet nectar.

Have those people even been outside the door? Nature is cruel! Nature is pain, struggle and death! And all life here is nasty, brutish and short!

We must tame this world and claim it for ourselves, for the dark years ahead!


  • Interesting point of view. Okay, I'll accept the mission
  • Sorry, I think you're wrong.


If you choose 'Yeah! or Interesting point of view. Okay, I'll accept the mission':

Nina Colombus:

Thanks. You can find instructions in your quest log.

  • Close

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